The Center of Mosque Studies - Atiq Jam'e Mosque of Shiraz that is known also as (jāme-ye Atiq Masjd ) or "jom'eh mosque (friday mosque ), Adineh mosque (Friday mosque) and jame mosque (congergational mosque),is one of the oldest mosque in Fars province and shiraz . it is located east of shahe –cherāgh holy shrine, and its building is the first historical main core of shiraz .the mosque was founded during Amru leis saffavids rule in 894 for commemorating his victory over the Abbasid caliph ,and it was compeleted in 899 .the mosque has several chambers and prayer halls , and some of its parts are two- stages . it also has 6 gates , two on the east side , two on the west , one on the south and one on the north .the ceiling of prayer hall with balconies on two sides is made of brick. The rear wall of the hall features a mihrab, decorated with moqarnas of blue tile flanking the mihrab are two stone columns with spiral shafts typical of the zand period . Near this mihrab runs a inscription proclaiming the history of the re pairment of the mosque .
The central court yard was paved with marble stones in the past and there had been some stone through in its corridores in which the people made ablution before going to the courtyard of the mosque .The mosque has been repaired and rebuilt several times in the course of past centuries such as Atabakan , Gorakani and Safavids periods.