Student converts to Islam at Zakir Naik talk in Malacca

Student converts to Islam at Zakir Naik talk in Malacca
(Monday, April 18, 2016) 09:56

ALOR GAJAH: A 24-year-old student recited the syahadah (declaration of the Islamic faith) at a talk by renowned Islamic preacher Dr Zakir Naik at University Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) here on Sunday.

 The Center of Mosque Studies - Senkiram Dharma, 24, who was previously a Hindu, converted to Islam before an audience numbering more than 20,000 at the main hall of the university during the question and answer session here. Senkiram made the decision after he was satisfied with the explanation by the preacher on non-Muslims going to heaven after converting to Islam. "I have been waiting for this (converting to Islam) for 24 years. "I also have a twin who has already converted to Islam," he said, adding that he did so out of free will without being coerced or pressured by anyone. The Muslim-convert was later escorted to the main stage where he was embraced by Dr Zakir and was presented with a Quran. More than 20,000 people thronged the main hall of the university here to listen to the lecture titled 'Islam - Problems and Solutions to Humanity'. Efforts by the press to interview Senkiram were unsuccessful when they were stopped by the programme’s secretariat.



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