Supreme Leader: Iran’s Policy against Arrogant US Won’t Change

Supreme Leader: Iran’s Policy against Arrogant US Won’t Change
(Saturday, July 18, 2015) 11:15

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei stressed on Saturday that Iran's foreign policy towards the "arrogant US administration will not change" and won't be affected by the latest nuclear deal.

"We always reiterated that there will not be negotiations with the Americans in many issues of the region. US policies differ from Iran's 180 degrees," Ayatollah Khamenei said during his speech on Eid al-Fitr.

"The US considers the resistance and Hezbollah in Lebanon - who are sacrificing everything they have to defend their country - as terrorists, which is unfair, while gives its support for the Israeli entity which kills the children. We cannot agree with the party who pursues such policy," his eminence stressed.

After leading Eid prayers at the Imam Khomeini's shrine in Tehran, Imam Khamenei made it clear that the nuclear deal won't alter Iran's support for regional allies.

"Signing the nuclear deal will not alter our support for our regional friends. The oppressed Palestinian people, the oppressed Yemeni people, the people and government of Syria. the people and government of Iraq, and the Mujahedeen in Lebanon and Palestine will always get our support."

Imam Khamenei reiterated that the Islamic Republic will never hesitate to protect its interests, and will never give up in front of the enemies' ambitions.

"We will never allow that the text of the [nuclear] deal be abused. We will not allow anyone to breach the basic principles of the Islamic Republic," his eminence stressed, highlighting that - God willing - the Iranian security and defense capabilities will be protected.

Sayyed Khamenei, moreover, hailed efforts by the Iranian President Sheikh Hassan Rouhani and the negotiating team during Vienna talks, stating that there is still constitutional mechanism through which the terms of the deal must pass in order to be endorsed in Iran.

"We expect that [Iranian] officials will present what can make the people proud of them," his eminence said.

Regarding the latest US claims following the deal with the P5+1 group, Imam Khamenei stressed that the nuclear weapons in Iran is not related to the negotiations with the US or any other country, but the Sharia (Islamic law) forbids the possession and use of nuclear weapons.

"They [the Americans] know this fact and admitted it. They know Iran is not prevented by threats and but by religion, even though they claim they have led Iran go to negotiations."

Several US officials have made claims during the last days that the Administration has forced Iran to give up and sit to the negotiation table.

"They are not honest with their people. Iran will give up in their dreams only. It is a US dream which will never come true," Imam Khamenei said. 

Addressing the US mistakes in the region, Imam Khamenei stated the US President Barack Obama has only admitted a small part of them in his last speech, and failed to mention the 25-year support for the former criminal Bahlavi regime in Iran and for the Zionist regime against regional states, in addition to targeting the Iranian aircraft in the Persian Gulf by a US missile.

His eminence advised the US administration to wake up and know the truth, stressing that the Islamic Republic is powerful and its power will increase day after another.

"Although we do not welcome any war, but if it happens, the criminal and aggressor US will come out of it defeated."

Imam Khamenei also congratulated the Iranian people and the Muslim world on Eid al-Fitr.

Iran has always denied seeking an atomic weapon, insisting its nuclear program is for peaceful energy and medical purposes only.

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